Random Rambling… 1:45a.

The pandemic years of the 21st century is a wild time to live through. Plagues last as long as they do because of human interference, I’m convinced. Free will comes with a lot of cons when the individual doesn’t have a sense of community & betterment of all versus one. People are selfish & it shows.

There was a lot of loss. Loss of life & the way of living, mainly. I am far from an expert on COVID or anything related to it. Even the “experts” are in the dark so that isn’t saying much. In my opinion, the people who’ve contracted COVID were exposed for the simple reason that they don’t know how to spend time alone. “They” may not know much but they know you can’t give it to yourself.

All the ‘norm/ new norm, vax/ unvax rhetoric is daunting & exhausting. Miss me with all of it. Do what you feel will keep you healthy; worrisome advice in a world of mindless sheep.

This world is full of corruption so trusting the CDC, the government, or the “powers that be” has to come with a level of discernment. Believe what you want. Trust who you feel has your best interests at heart: again worrisome advice when humans are selfish. But me, I can’t.

I can’t trust a government that thinks it’s cool to keep kids in cages.

Add to that any number of its other atrocities and . . .